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来源:http://zbfuguang.com 日期:2022-02-09 发布人:
Requirements for setting of fireproof rolling shutter door
1. The gap between the rolling shutter door and the floor, beam, wall and column shall be sealed with fireproof sealing materials. The fire resistance limit of the seal shall not be lower than that of the rolling shutter door.
2. The roller shutter door controller and manual button box shall be installed firmly and reliably, and the height from the bottom edge to the ground shall be 1.3m-1.5m.
3. The controller and manual button box of the rolling shutter door shall be installed on the walls on both sides of the rolling shutter door respectively. When there is no one on one side of the rolling shutter door, it can be installed on one side of the wall and shall meet the design requirements. The controller and manual button box shall be installed at a position easy to identify, and the functions of rise, fall, stop, etc. shall be marked.
4. When the rolling shutter door is set at the fire compartment, the following requirements shall be met:
① 除中院外,当防火分隔部分宽度不大于30m时,卷帘门宽度不大于10m;当防火分隔部分宽度大于30m时,卷帘门宽度不大于该部分宽度的1/3,不得超过20米。
① Except for the central courtyard, when the width of the fire separation part is not more than 30m, the width of the rolling shutter door is not more than 10m; When the width of the fire separation part is greater than 30m, the width of the rolling shutter door shall not be greater than 1 / 3 of the width of the part and shall not exceed 20m.
② 卷帘门应具有火灾时自重自动关闭的功能。
② The rolling shutter door shall have the function of self weight automatic closing in case of fire.
③ 除规范另有规定外,卷帘门的耐火限度不得低于设置卷帘门的墙体耐火限度规范的要求。
③ Unless otherwise specified in the specification, the fire resistance limit of rolling shutter door shall not be lower than that of the wall with rolling shutter door.
④ 防火卷帘门应是防烟的,与地板、梁、墙、柱之间的缝隙应采用防火密封材料密封。
④ The fireproof rolling shutter door shall be smoke proof, and the gap with the floor, beam, wall and column shall be sealed with fireproof sealing materials.
⑤ 火灾时需要自动下降的卷帘门应具有信号反馈功能。
⑤ The rolling shutter door that needs to be lowered automatically in case of fire shall have signal feedback function.
⑥ 其他要求应符合现行标准卷帘门GB 14102的规定。
⑥ Other requirements shall comply with the current national standard rolling shutter door GB 14102.

阅读/ Recommended reading


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